The #1 Tip for Better Confidence! (It'll Surprise You.)

Magnolia Grace Photography | Shreveport Boudoir, Beauty, & Wedding Photographer | Bossier Boudoir, Beauty, & Wedding Photographer | Take Selfies!

Wanna know a secret? 3 years ago my reaction to this photo taken by my amazing friend, Jessica, was “I hate my nose, I hate my face”. And today, my reaction was instantly "Oh DAYUM, I look good. Hai girl, hhaaaaiiii!"

Wanna learn how I changed that reaction without even meaning to?

Scroll for the details.
Kimberly Aker | Owner & Photographer at Magnolia Grace Photography

My Mom shared it from her memories a few weeks ago and when I saw what I said three years ago, I was shocked. I would never say that about myself now. I love my face and my nose. I think I look pretty damn good, nose included. Plus, I got that nose from people I love and adore and it’s a part of what makes me, me!
My sweet friend, Jessica’s caption on the photo was: “Kim and I went to take photos of each other yesterday, so we could have pics for our bio sections on our websites. She saw this pic and said, "I hate my nose. I hate my face." etc.etc. etc....All I see is a beautiful girl inside and out! Love you Kim! ” Proof here! She is a gem!

What changed? Why did I suddenly no longer feel like my nose/face was weird? Selfies.

I am not kidding. Selfies changed my view of my nose/face was that I am on Snapchat, FB, and Insta regularly, staring at my face. I mean, I snap first thing when I wake up, throughout the day, in my PJ’s looking about as frumpy as I get and with my makeup on all done up.

I have been on Snapchat for a year and a half now and my view of myself has totally changed. And I post videos to Instagram, Facebook, and my blog/website. I see myself all.the.time!
Basically, I normalized how my own face looks to myself by immersion. If you see something enough, it’s not abnormal anymore.
I stopped seeing my face and comparing it to all the ‘perfect’ I had seen out in the world and instead, I now compare it to nothing. That realization had light bulbs going off like crazy in my brain!


Stare at yourself regularly, the frumpiest you can possibly look and all made up. It will be one of the most amazing things you can do for your self-confidence!

  • The next time you want to take a selfie and feel silly or shameful for it, don’t.
  • The next time you want to take a selfie DO it.
  • The next time you see someone else took a selfie, love it and join them!
  • Oh, and stop and stare in mirrors more often. Don’t look down and rush by. Look up, strike a pose, smile, and move on!

It is going to feel so so so weird at first. I felt so awkward on Snapchat at first. Seriously. I felt like a bumbling idiot and I picked myself apart. It.gets.better! I promise it does. And without pain, there is not growth. So DO IT!!! Now.
Go forth and take selfies, stare in the mirror, take videos.!!!
Normalize yourself to yourself and to the rest of the world.

Because you are normal!


(The most important thing to remember is that changing my view of myself took at least 6 months of selfie after selfie and video after video-it won't happen overnight, as with any growth. I may have not officially noticed it for 2 years, but I haven't 'hated my face' in a very, very long time.)


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Magnolia Grace Photography | Shreveport Boudoir, Beauty, & Wedding Photographer | Bossier Boudoir, Beauty, & Wedding Photographer | VIP Member
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